Congo Tetra

Congo Tetra

Posted by Max Gandara on on 12th Oct 2022

Congo Tetra

Tetra are popular aquarium fish that have been kept by hobbyists for many years. The different varieties, colors and sizes make Tetra some of the most suitable fish for aquariums of all types. Their hardy nature and unfussy diet allows for even the most amateur aquarist to appreciate and keep these fish. Tetra have a widespread geographic range and depending on where they come from is how the aquariums should be prepared. Let’s get into one of our favorite Tetras the Congo Tetra.

The Congo Tetra originate from the Congo River Basin in Africa. An absolutely stunning fish with an oval body shape that displays an orange and blue iridescent color over a silver base. The orange coloration begins at the snout and covers the top half of the body to the tail. The blue coloration stems from the center of the body covering the complete lower half of the fish. As the fish matures the color become more vibrant with males showing exceptionally bright colors. A notable feature of the Congo Tetra is their long flowing fins again shown especially in the males. The tails are a purplish clear color with white lining that give the fish a unique look of their own. A medium sized Tetra that grows to 3”-4” and is recommended for tanks of 30+ gallons, the bigger the better especially when kept in groups which is suggested.

The proper keeping of a fish is a sure way for long term success. As the Congo Tetra are native to the African Congo Basin it is important to understand the waters they naturally occur in. The Congo Basin tends to be warmer in temperature and a good range to keep them in is around 76-78 degrees. They live in somewhat murky waters that are on the acidic side with a softer composition. Adding driftwood is a great way to naturally lower pH and create a softer more acidic environment. As always it is important to ensure your tank is well established and cycled. New tanks should be treated and allowed to run for at least a week before adding any fish. Sand bottom substrate is a great option for the Congo Tetra as it imitates their natural homes in the Congo. As mid to top lever fish it is also important to consider a lid for the aquarium to prevent the fish from accidentally jumping out. Congo Tetra have been bred in the hobby since the 1970’s and with proper care can breed in a tank environment. Many aquatic plants will help in the comfort and husbandry of these fish. In the wild Congo Tetra eat small insects that fall onto the water surface and algae. They are not fussy eaters and will readily accept dried foods however it is good to vary their diet with frozen foods such as blood worms and baby brine shrimp. The Congo Tetra are beautiful and rewarding fish in the aquarium.