Butis butis - The Crazy Fish

Butis butis - The Crazy Fish

Posted by Max Gandara on on 15th Sep 2022

Crazy Fish (Butis butis)

Butis Butis more commonly called The Crazy Fish is an interesting fish of the oddball variety. Also know under the names Upside-down Sleeper and Duckbill Sleeper they are a type of Sleeper Goby. Butis butis live in brackish waters in well vegetated areas often found in mangrove swamps. Originally described in 1822 they have since been redefined several times from gudgeon to Goby.

Crazy Fish inhabit brackish waters near the coast but can also be found upriver. Demersal fish found at the muddy bottoms of waterways and mangrove swamps. They prefer densely planted tanks as they are hiding ambush predators by nature. Maxing out at 6” they are a fantastic option for tanks from 20-55 gallons. These fish appreciate small prey items such as small fish and crustaceans as well as frozen foods. The Crazy Fish has a wide distribution from West Africa to the far east island of Fiji as well as South China.

Butis butis have a unique body shape being mostly cylindrical with fins centered towards the middle of the body. These fish have a large mouth with a protruding lower jaw and as such will eat anything that fits in their mouths. Care should be taken with tank mates with a species only tank set up being preferable. They get the name “Crazy Fish” due to the unique positions they take while in ambush position. Often they can be found vertical against a tree stump in position to ambush prey that swim by on the surface of the water. They can also be found swimming upside down for the same reasons. They are mostly mottled grey with red fins and possess tha ability to change in color to adapt to their environment. These unique fish are still quite rare in the hobby and present an interesting options for an oddball set up.