
Anubias Jungle Star: A Shimmering Jewel of Aquatic Flora

Posted by Max Gandara on on 28th Mar 2024

In the vibrant world of aquatic plants, few species capture the imagination quite like the Anubias Jungle Star. With its striking appearance and ease of care, this plant has become a favorite among aquarists seeking to add a touch of elegance and greenery to their underwater landscapes. Let's delve into the fascinating characteristics, care requirements, and unique qualities of the Anubias Jungle Star.

Introduction to Anubias Jungle Star:

Anubias Jungle Star, scientifically known as Anubias barteri 'Jungle Star', is a cultivar of the popular Anubias barteri species. Originating from the riverbanks and marshes of West Africa, particularly Nigeria and Cameroon, this plant has found its way into aquariums worldwide due to its resilience and aesthetic appeal. It belongs to the family Araceae and is renowned for its broad, sturdy leaves and intricate vein patterns, which resemble the lush foliage of a tropical jungle.

Distinctive Features:

One of the most striking features of the Anubias Jungle Star is its foliage. The leaves are broad, heart-shaped, and glossy, with a deep green coloration that contrasts beautifully against the backdrop of an aquarium. Each leaf is adorned with intricate veins that add texture and depth to the plant, creating a captivating visual effect. Additionally, the Jungle Star variety typically exhibits a more elongated leaf shape compared to other Anubias varieties, further enhancing its unique appeal.

Care Requirements:

One of the key reasons for the popularity of Anubias Jungle Star is its ease of care, making it suitable for both novice and experienced aquarists. Here are some essential care requirements to ensure the health and vitality of this plant:

  1. Lighting: Anubias Jungle Star thrives in moderate to low lighting conditions. Avoid exposing the plant to intense, direct light, as this can lead to algae growth on the leaves.
  2. Temperature and Water Parameters: Maintain a temperature range of 72-82°F (22-28°C) and a slightly acidic to neutral pH level (6.5-7.5). This plant can tolerate a wide range of water hardness levels.
  3. Substrate and Anchoring: Unlike many aquatic plants, Anubias Jungle Star is a rhizome plant and should not be buried in substrate. Instead, it should be attached to driftwood, rocks, or other aquarium decorations using fishing line or thread. This allows the rhizome to remain exposed, preventing it from rotting.
  4. Nutrient Requirements: Although Anubias Jungle Star is relatively low-maintenance, it benefits from regular supplementation with liquid or root tab fertilizers containing essential nutrients like iron, potassium, and trace elements.
  5. Propagation: Propagating Anubias Jungle Star is straightforward and typically involves dividing the rhizome into smaller portions, each with at least a few leaves attached. These divisions can then be reattached to driftwood or rocks using the same method as the parent plant.

Aquascape Uses and Benefits:

Anubias Jungle Star is a versatile plant that can be used in various aquascape designs to create stunning visual effects. Its robust leaves add texture and structure to the aquarium layout, making it an excellent choice for both foreground and background planting. When positioned against rocks or driftwood, the Jungle Star can create natural-looking focal points that draw the eye and add depth to the underwater environment. Additionally, this plant is well-suited to aquascaping styles such as the Nature Aquarium, Dutch Aquarium, and Jungle-style tanks.

Beyond its aesthetic appeal, Anubias Jungle Star offers several benefits to the aquarium ecosystem. Like other Anubias species, it helps to oxygenate the water and absorb nitrates, thereby improving water quality and creating a healthier environment for fish and other aquatic inhabitants. Furthermore, its robust nature makes it resistant to damage from herbivorous fish and invertebrates, making it an ideal choice for community tanks with diverse inhabitants.


In conclusion, Anubias Jungle Star stands out as a shimmering jewel of aquatic flora, beloved by aquarists for its striking appearance, ease of care, and versatility in aquascape designs. Whether used as a focal point in a planted tank or as a background accent in a community aquarium, this plant never fails to impress with its lush foliage and intricate leaf patterns. By providing the proper care and attention, aquarists can enjoy the beauty of Anubias Jungle Star and create stunning underwater landscapes that captivate the imagination and inspire awe.